Hello, everyone! :)
I'm glad to tell you that I'm now at Kolka with all my biologists, we are having a wonderful time & I will stay here for at least a month :) Weather is amazing, no clouds at all, it's hot and my back is already red from this sun, as we have lectures outside & also today we were swimming and chilling at the beach :)
Yesterday all day was free, today we had two lectures and an excursion at dry forests, tomorrow we will wake up at 4 a.m. and go to watch birds :D And also starting from tomorrow we will have tests every day, but everything will be good, I'm sure :)
As I'm getting internet from my friend & I don't want to reach limit, I'll post photos & text in Latvian at tumblr, if you are interested, you can translate it [but main things I also write here, so it's no need to read it].
There are two photos with our room, we have 6 beds there [I just didn't want to take photos of just beds without anything else]. First one [with deer] is Alina's bed & door with a funny boot [Baiba's bed is near, so if somebody hits the door, she will probably be hit by this boot, lol :D]. Second one is my [on the right] & Sandra's [on the left] bed :D Nice wall paintings, I'll also paint something like that when I'll have time :D
The only thing is that we have many insects there, and their bites are really painful, mosquitoes never hurt so much as here! :D And I also got a tick today, great.
Have a nice day, I have to learn 22 plants & their Latin names this evening :) Love you all! ;*