otrdiena, 2011. gada 28. jūnijs

Happy summer ^.^

Hello, everyone! :)
I'm glad to tell you that I'm now at Kolka with all my biologists, we are having a wonderful time & I will stay here for at least a month :) Weather is amazing, no clouds at all, it's hot and my back is already red from this sun, as we have lectures outside & also today we were swimming and chilling at the beach :)
Yesterday all day was free, today we had two lectures and an excursion at dry forests, tomorrow we will wake up at 4 a.m. and go to watch birds :D And also starting from tomorrow we will have tests every day, but everything will be good, I'm sure :)
As I'm getting internet from my friend & I don't want to reach limit, I'll post photos & text in Latvian at tumblr, if you are interested, you can translate it [but main things I also write here, so it's no need to read it].
There are two photos with our room, we have 6 beds there [I just didn't want to take photos of just beds without anything else]. First one [with deer] is Alina's bed & door with a funny boot [Baiba's bed is near, so if somebody hits the door, she will probably be hit by this boot, lol :D]. Second one is my [on the right] & Sandra's [on the left] bed :D Nice wall paintings, I'll also paint something like that when I'll have time :D
The only thing is that we have many insects there, and their bites are really painful, mosquitoes never hurt so much as here! :D And I also got a tick today, great.
Have a nice day, I have to learn 22 plants & their Latin names this evening :) Love you all! ;*

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 20. jūnijs

Last week in photos ♥

Last week was so great for me :) Maybe I will not write much today, just put here photos and comment them :)
First of all, photos from my best friend's Linda school graduation :)
Linda playing her violin :)
Her class
Samanta, Linda, me, Krista
Evita's graduation at the same school, just another class
My flowers :)
Before going home
`Afterparty` at Linda's home - me, Maija, Oksana, Linda
Oksana, Maija, me, Annija, Krista, Samanta, Linda
Maija, Oksana, me, Linda, Mārtiņš
Me & my best friend for 19 years ♥
Friday night I also was out with my friends :) It was so fun, we were dancing in a park [as always] & singing weird songs [everything is captured on my camera, but these videos are not for posting in the internet, lol :D ] till 6 a.m., people definitely thought that we were completely drunk, but we were not :D Just two photos this time, as all others are without me :)
Me & Evija
5 a.m. :D This car behind me is a police :D
And on Saturday I went to my cousin's graduation :) She's going in a Russian school, so there were many songs about finishing school & I almost started to cry, as I understand that I will never go to school again, that I'm 19 and I still haven't reached in my life something that I'm proud of and that I want...
Me near her school :D
Poster that her class made, my cousin is at the bottom on the right.
My both cousins Svetlana & Diana, their mom and me :)
Me, my cousin, my dad & cousin's mom [dad's sister] :)
Me & Diana, also best friends until we both were 15 :)
And yesterday I was in the forest with my teacher & my friend again, we collected insects that we caught :)
This wasn't the worst place where we had to go through :D
Butterfly :)
Me :D
Was a good day, we found a snail that is a species of 0 category in Red Data Book of Latvia & also protected in all Europe, and a butterfly that is also protected in Europe [I just don't know their English names]. And I also found black viper, when I saw just its tail I thought that it was a grass snake, and it was good that I wasn't trying to catch it before I saw that it hasn't yellow spots on its head :D And also there were so many mosquitoes, I have 17 bites just on one hand, so its red and swollen, lol :D
Yeah, and also I found out, that on July 24th Raikkonen & Loeb will be in Helsinki, showing everything they can with their cars ^.^ Ahh, I want there so much, but the only chance is to answer my field practice work at Kolka on 23.07 at the morning, and then driving like crazy [if there will be a bus] to Riga, to congratulate my friend on her 20th birthday, and then driving like crazy to bus station to get to Tallinn, then by ferry to Helsinki and hopefully at 10 a.m. I will be there... Any chance? 
Hope that you enjoyed this post & photos :)
Have a nice day, I'll prepare something for Kolka - next week on Monday at this time I will already be there ^.^

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 16. jūnijs

Moon eclipse, 15/16.06

Just was out to see Moon eclipse ^.^ Unfortunately it's not full now [when it was, the Moon was behind trees], but looks good :) Last time I saw Moon eclipse when I was at 8 grade at school [it was in 2006, I guess], after it every time there were clouds :D
The Moon is full now, it just doesn't look like that because of this eclipse :)

trešdiena, 2011. gada 15. jūnijs

A life without love is like a year without summer ♥

Today I finally passed my last exam :) On Monday I had anatomy, so had to learn more than 100 pages in my book about all organ systems... It was so hard to read it, I was like crazy all day before it [not because of anatomy, just some kind of depression affected me so much], but I got +/- easy theme on my exam and got 7+, so final mark for me is 9 ^.^ And today I had exam in English, wasn't preparing at all, just had to translate text about animals & talk about it, and then tell a bit about safeguarding biodiversity :) So, another 10 at English, and my summer finally can begin ^.^ Well, relaxing won't last long, as I will have to go to the forest with my teacher again this weekend and collect all insects that we caught, and on 27.06 we are going to Kolka, but at least I will have some time to sleep ^.^ Yeah, and tomorrow is my best friends' graduation :)
And some photos :) In my recent posts there is like a tradition to put photos with flowers :D So, another one - the most beautiful flower at my house, I'm always taking photos of it when it's flowering ^.^
And this last photo is a view from my window ^.^
BTW, I hope that in Kolka we will have internet [I'll take my notebook with me, but I don't know how there will be with electricity], then I'll try to update my blog :)
And also more pics coming from tomorrow & from this weekend & also from Līgo celebration on 23/24 of June ^.^
That's my favourite song this week [and also one of my favourite ever] ^.^  Ahh, I love Nightwish so much, but I live in such a `great` country, that nobody go here for a concert...
Hope you feel positive today :) Bye for now! :)

piektdiena, 2011. gada 10. jūnijs


Hi! :)
Today just a quick post, cause I just want to share my happiness :) Today I passed my exam at maths, yay! Well, I had to do just one task, as in all 7 `tests` I had 10, but there were so many themes to learn... I got a task which I maybe could do, but I changed it with a girl in front of me [she got system of equations with matrices and couldn't do anything], so it was just easy school algebra, like multiplication 2*1*3 :D So I got 10 in maths ^.^
And today I also got my ecology & Earth science marks, both of them are 9 ^.^ A nightmare with Earth science ended sooo positive :)
And some photos *with nature, as always*
On this one are two seagulls and their 3 babies ^.^ Not a good photo, cause my camera isn't good, but you can see them, these little seagulls are so cute ^.^
And here I tried to learn Earth science near the lake ^.^
And this is yesterday, that's how I was preparing for maths exam, lol :D
Have a nice day, I will watch F1 friday practice 1 in Canada *again* ^.^

sestdiena, 2011. gada 4. jūnijs

You can steal my dreams, but you can't steal my memories...

Hi! ;*
It's over midnight and I want to sleep so much, but I still decided to write this post. Today is the last day for me at university as a 1st course student ^.^ Of course, there will be session, but it's something completely different. It's unreal, how fast time flies actually! At school, one year seemed to last forever, here one year passed like one day. And I don't care that it was so hard sometimes that I didn't know what to do and simply wanted to start crying, I don't care about some bad marks which I got, don’t care about hours spent on translating loads of English texts, learning minerals & rocks, don’t care about anything. My course is fantastic and that’s the point. Even our Earth science teacher told us today that we are much better than 1st course students at their faculty :D Can’t wait for this summer – we will go to Kolka for a month, it will also be hard to live in a house without normal water & beds, to write different works and to have tests every day, but with awesome people it also will be awesome. At least I hope so.
And some photos for today. Took them while waiting consultation at Earth science for two hours :)
Monument of Freedom
Rododendrons [like symbol of University of Latvia]
My faculty of biology
City canal
Goodnight everyone! :))
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