ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 23. decembris

Finally it's over!

Today is the last day of learning this year! To be honest, I can't believe that it is so soon. Cause when I was at school, I couldn't even wait for autumn holidays normally, I was always complaining that it's so hard and so on, but now we had no autumn holidays, and I feel like these 4 months passed by like a few days - maybe it seems that I love studying at faculty of biology and don't have to think that I hate some subjects [not talking about chemistry xD]. And it's great I think :)
First of all, I wanted to post here a pic from out newman's ball at October [?], it's small, but probably best part of our biologists :) This pic is not mine, though, I found it somewhere on the internet, but I like it :)
No more pics for today [later I'll post here some more pics of biology laboratory works with different leaves], just some text about future :)
January will be the most toughest month at university, cause we'll have session and different tests everywhere [biology, chemistry, physics & English]. Hope I'll survive then! And maybe I'll go to help at Latvia's biology olympiad on 25th&26th of January, if I'll want to :)
And yesterday I also went to talk about my final work on 2nd study year [everyone has to write a big project about something], so the main idea is to make it about different unvertebrates at sand dunes & pine tree forests, I'll have to go to my selected place in January and try to find different places there, hope it'll be interesting :)
So bye for now! :))

sestdiena, 2010. gada 18. decembris


My third post today :D
But I wanted also to post here some pics with snow which I took in park near my faculty :)
I think that's all what I wanted to say & post here today, so have fun, people, love you all! :)* Just listen to this song, I'm still addicted to it, although I don't like songs like that at all!

That's what we do at university!

Some time ago I said that I'll someday put here my drawings from biology laboratory works :D I haven't got back my drawings from microbiology yet, but on Friday I recieved my drawings from plant physiology laboratory works, so I have to keep my promises :)
Sometimes I'll put here my microbiology drawings, too, but I really don't know when it might be :)


Again - it's been a long time since I last wrote here. But I was really busy, had to do so much these days, that I even didn't use computer at all :/ Now everything's changed, it'll be last week at university, and then Christmas & New Year *hope I'll go to Estonia then!* finally! Yeah, I don't like these celebrations, but still - it'd be nice to relax finally.
And now something about these days since 11th December!
First of all, on Sunday I went to my best friend Linda, cause she had her birthday celebrated :) It was really fun, and when we went out, first thing that she did was throwing snow in my face! Of course, I responded by throwing her in snow, and for a long time we [me, Linda and her boyfriend] were trying to throw each other in snow, while everyone else was just standing and laughing at us! xD I went home completely wet, but this evening was one of the funniest this year :)
And on Thursday me and my friend Gerda went to the Christmas ball organised by her university, and it was also fun there :D I drank only two glasses of champagne, but [I really don't know why!] it was so enough for me, that I was simply laughing all night long like really drunk! :D
The funniest thing about this all was actually that I got home at 5 a.m, slept for only 1,5 hours and then went to university, where I had 6 hours of biology laboratory works where we were drawing leaves of different plants and had a test! Fortunately, I had answers, but it was so hard for me while we had lecture, I even thought that I would better die there than listen to all this stuff about plants! :D
And another funny thing was that when I went home after these laboratory works, I went to another ball at my faculty of biology! It was easy *at least I think so!* for Gerda, cause she was at home all day, but I felt like a zombie xD Our ball wasn't so interesting, cause it's a big difference between well-organisated ball at Latvian Society House [or whatever, don't know how to translate `Latviešu biedrības nams` in English] and simple student party at faculty, and we also were there too early. But we spent some time in faculty and took some photos too :)
Then we went to Čili pica and simply walked around in city center, maybe not the best way to spend Friday night, but better than sitting at home!
And one more funny thing, now I wonder how it looked then :D Our car got stuck in snow for a moment [cause it's unreal to park normally now] and when we coudn't get out of this snow I told that I'll try to push this car out. And it really worked! And now imagine situation: a girl in ball's dress easily pushes out this big Crysler Voyager out of the snow! xD Hope nobody saw it :D
*some more posts with photos coming soon*

sestdiena, 2010. gada 11. decembris

Winter fairytale!

Today I finally went out for a longer time and not for university :) I went to the beach, it was cold there, yeah, but I didn't care - it was simply FUN for me! :)) Not much text today, but a lot of pics, hope you like them :))

Just found it somewhere on the Internet...

Kamēr vīrietis pulēja savu mašīnu, viņa 4 gadus vecais dēls paņēma akmeni un ievilka švīkas mašīnas sānā. Dusmās vīrietis paņēma dēlēna roku un sita pa to vairākas reizes, neaptverot, ka sit ar uzgriežņa atslēgu. Slimnīcā zēnam nācās zaudēt pirkstus, sakarā ar neskaitāmajiem lūzumiem.
Kad bērns ieraudzīja savu tēvu, ar sāpju pilnām acīm viņš jautāja: `Tēt, kad mani pirkstiņi ataugs?`
Vīrietis bija tik sāpināts, ka nespēja parunāt. Viņš aizgāja atpakaļ uz savu mašīnu un nikni to spārdīja vairākas reizes. Sašutis pats par savu rīcību, sēžot mašīnā viņš skatījās uz ievilktajām švīkām. Dēlēns bija uzrakstījis: "Mīlu tevi tēti!"
Nākošajā dienā vīrietis izdarīja pašnāvību.

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 9. decembris

Rakkaus on lumivalkoinen ♥

Today is the best day this year, if not talking about university and stuff like that. It's snowing outside - and how! A lot of white snowflakes falling from the sky, it's so beautiful that I even considered going to forest to walk there, although I never do that! But it was dark already, so I didn't go anywhere...
Anyway, this winter time is perfect. It's great even sitting near the window, drinking hot coffee with milk & Irish cream liqueur, watching outside, especially, when there's someone you realy love with you... Last part of this sentence is not for me now, though, but still - I love this time ♥
Today I even took my camera to university to take some pictures of winter. At the morning I didn't want to miss the bus, so I didn't took many pics, there's only one at a bus stop, cause I missed my bus anyway and there was nothing to do while I was waiting for the next one to come :D
But coming home I took some while it wasn't really dark. This one is in park near my faculty of biology...
And my district & my house, too :)
And lots of snow, too, you even can't see my feet :D
It's simply winter fairytale.

sestdiena, 2010. gada 4. decembris

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Now I feel hungry and totally exhausted, and my knee hurts very, very much :/ The only thing I want to do now is eating chicken with rice which I already ate today - my Mom cooks it simply fantastic :) But general conclusion of today is - I HATE shopping in stupid Latvian shops! Today I went to Domina finally, having an idea to by winter jacket & boots, as I already said.
As a result, I spent all day there, found no winter jacket, no jeans, only winter boots & warm sweater. To be honest, I hate today's fashion - all shoes in shops are so unsuitable for me & our Latvian winter with lots of salt and water everywhere... The only thing I like is these Scandinavian style sweaters with deer & nice rombs on them, so I bought one in `Monton` for Ls 24,99 ^^
And my really warm winter boots from Finland, of course, I found in `ABC King` for Ls 93,99, I don't like this shop, but these were almost the only one I loved and which were warm ^^
These were the only clothes I bought today, but in `Valters un Rapa` I found gorgeous file folders for school, cause now I have so much different papers that I hadn't so big folder for them all xD
And then, of course, I bought some care products for me, and the most I like my new shower gel with passion fruit, it's aroma is so sweet & nice ^^
That's all about shopping for today [not much, I know, but I really don't like shopping here], just some pics of our winter again [not a good quality, cause I took them with my mobile phone] and Christmas decorations near Domina :)
Bye! :)

piektdiena, 2010. gada 3. decembris

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

I just woke up and now I'm watching `Home Alone` as every year before Christmas. Can't believe it's coming and will be here so soon, don't like this time :/
So, I'm glad to tell you this week is finally over! Today's test in microbiology was so hard! I knew almost everything of tasks which I did, but there was so much other things, ahh, hope it'll be ok, I just need some reward for time what I spent on these tasks, lectures and other stuff!
And today we had our final laboratory work in microbiology, and now I feel so sorry that they're over - our teacher was fantastic, it was always fun to sit there, doing something :)
Today we had a lot of things to do - first of all we made some preparations of different bacteria [Bacillus, Staphylococcus etc], I have no pics of it, but when I'll get back my drawings, I'll probably put them here :) Then we finally saw bacteria pure culture, which we made previous time, mine wasn't really pure, cause 2 fungi colonies grew there, but still it looked nice :)
Then we got back our media with fungi, which we collected from plant leef. In my & my friends media there was only one colony...
...but in microscope it looked much more interesting, some spores and hypha, so I tried to take a photo too :)
And finally we got media with different fungi - Mucor, Aspergillus niger & Penicillium lanoso - virials, and had to examine them in microscope again, looked interesting, as always :D
And here is a pic of me & my bacteria pure culture in our laboratory *I have a pic with me & my friend, too, but I think this isn't the best place where to put  it* :)
So that's all of biology and I must end now, have not so much time :) And tomorrow I have a plan to go to a mall finally, hope I'll find warm winter jacket & boots there, it's a bit cold for me in this beautiful Latvian winter :))
Bye! :))*
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